Recursos en Internet para la enseñanza

de la literatura hispánica



Nuevas tecnologías

Santiago Juan-Navarro (Florida International University), "El uso del internet en la enseñanza de la literatura y el cine hispánicos." Second FIU Conference on Iberian/Iberian-American Literature ("1999: Hispanic Literature and Film at the End of the Millenium"), Miami, Florida, October 1999

Diccionario de Internet - Glosario de términos de Internet publiaco por la resvista argentina Internet World en español.

Courses on Second Language Teaching and Technology - Enlaces a cursos sobre tecnología y enseñanza de lenguas y literaturas modernas. Compilados por Marlene Johnshoy en University of Minnesota.

Integrating Technology into Foreign Language Education - Course taught at Furman University.

Technology in Second Language Teaching - Curso eseñado por Marlene Johnshoy y Jenise Rowekamp en University of Minnesota.

Books on the Social Aspects of Computing, 1996-1997 - Completa bibliografía sobre sociología de Internet (se limita a los libros aparecidos en 1996-1997).

Designing Genres for New Media: Social, Economic, and Political Contexts" Phil Agre (U. Calif., San Diego),

Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography ("selected articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks"). Charles W. Bailey, Jr. (U. Houston Libraries),

Bibliography of Information Technology Ethics (Bashir Jiwani)

Doug Brent (U. Calgary), "Stevan Harnad's 'Subversive Proposal': Kick-Starting Electronic Scholarship" (1995) (EJournal)

Bricolage (info and resources about the Internet relevant to writers) (Trevor Lawrence)

Center for Computer Analysis of Texts

Todd Blayone, et al., Chorus: Exploring New Media in the Arts & Sciences (College Writing Programs, U. California, Berkeley)

Columbia U. Institute for Learning Technology

The Compleat Webster: A Guide to Emerging Genres in World Wide Web (announcement and links for a forthcoming special issue of Leonardo Digital Review) (Kevin Murray)

CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) Information Sources (extensive, well-organized site covering the Internet, cyberculture, technology, etc.) (John December, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY / December Communications, Inc.)

Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine | CMC Magazine Index

Computer-Mediated Communications Bibliography (text file; rich bibliography)

Computers and Literary Studies Listserv (info and subscription form)

Computers and Writing Books (collection of reviews)

Computing in the Humanities Working Papers ("interdisciplinary series of refereed publications on computer-assisted research"; in English and French) (Russon Wooldridge & Willard McCarty, U. Toronto)

CRILET: Center for Research in Computing and Literary Studies (U. Rome)

Cultures of Writing: Places, Spaces, and Interfaces of Writing and Writing Technologies (Web site for the Society for Critical Exchange project on this topic; includes info on the conference, related publications, and links)

Cyberpoet's Guide to Virtual Culture

CyberReader Page (support page for Victor J. Vitanza's anthology of readings on cyberspace and virtual reality)

Colin Day (U. Michigan Press), "The Economics of Electronic Publishing: Some Preliminary Thoughts"

Digital Creativity: Incorporating Intelligent Tutoring Media (peer-reviewed journal of technology of teaching)

Digital Media: Technology, Postmodernism and Other Stuff (annotated guide to online resources) (Communication Studies Dept., U. Iowa)

Bonnie Duncan, "Citing Hypermedia: Solving the Indexing Dilemma" (1998) (essay by the editor of the peer-reviewed online journal (Re)Soundings that lays out a suggested practical policy for the structure of journal file directories, file-naming conventions, etc.) ((Re)Soundings)

Educom Review Publishing Index (online articles on digital and multimedia publishing)

Electronic Publishing on Networks: A Selective Bibliography of Recent Works (text file)

Elektra (zine) (Ishir Bhan/Digitas)

Electronic Texts and Textuality (session organized by Bruce Graver, Providence C., for the 1996 conference of NASSR: North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Nov. 15)

Julie Flanders (Women Writers Project, Brown U.), "Editorial Methodology and the Electronic Text"

Ashton Nichols (Dickinson C.), "Hyping the Hypertext: Scholarship and the Limits of Technology"

Joseph J. Esposito (Pres. of Encyclopedia Britannica), "Redesigning, Not Reinventing, Encyclopaedia Britannica"

Tom Formaro, Argumentation on the World Wide Web: Challenging Traditional Notions of Communication (hypertext thesis)

Edward A. Fox, et al. (Virginia Tech U.(, "National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: A Scalable and Sustainable Approach to Unlock University Resources" (1996) (D-Lib Magazine)

The Future of the Book -- A Conference (Ann L. Okerson; report on July 1994 conference in San Marino, Italy)

Gateways, Gatekeepers, and Roles in the Information Omniverse (1993 Assoc. for Research Libraries/Assoc. of American Academic Univ. Presses Symposium)

Georgetown U. Program in Communication, Culture, and Technology (M.A.)

P. Ginsparg, "Winners and Losers in the Global Research Village" (1996) (on scholarly electronic publishing; based on experiences with automated research archives in physics)

Jean-Claude Guedon (U. Montreal), "Why Are Electronic Publications Difficult to Classify?"

Stevan Harnad (Princeton U.)

"Scholarly Skywriting and the Prepublication Continuum of Scientific Inquiry" (1990)

"Post-Gutenberg Galaxy: The Fourth Revolution in the Means of Production of Knowledge" (1992)

"Interactive Publication: Extending the American Physical Society's Discipline-Specific Model for Electronic Publishing" (1992)

"Implementing Peer Review on the Net: Scientific Quality Control in Scholarly Electronic Journals" (1996)

Harvard Information Infrastructure Project

Michael Heim (on Cyberculture page)

H-CLC: Computers and Literary Studies Listserv

Humanist Discussion Group ("an international electronic seminar on the application of computers to the humanities")

Humanities and Arts on the Information Highways (Getty AHIP/ACLS/Coalition of Networked Info)

"Humanities in the 21st Century" (1995) (discussion between NEH Chairman Sheldon Hackney and James O'Donnell, U. Penn.)

Illinois Research Group on Classification (IRGC) (investigates "the sociology and history of medical classification through a set of linked subprojects.

Introduction to Etext (gives "an overview of the issues related to etext as well as practical information about how to use etexts") (Palimpsest / Western Civilization)

Journal of Electronic Publishing (U. Michigan, Ann Arbor) | (search JEP)

Kairos: A Journal For Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments (refereed) (D'Artagnan Communications Group)

Rob Kin & Roberta Lamb, Envisioning Electronic Publishing and Digital Libraries

Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (U. Kentucky), "Electronic Publishing and Doctoral Dissertations in the Humanities" (1996)

Language Learning Technology International Discussion Forum

Language Visualization and Multilayer Text Analysis ("prototype tool that can study language/discourse phenomena in three-dimensional space. The idea was to develop a tool which would allow a researcher to explore interactively the structures and typologies of discursive formation in large samples of textual data and develop new techniques for reading and interpreting text space"; first application is to Donna Haraway's essay, "Cyborg Manifesto") (Antonio Gonzalez-Walker, Cornell U.)

Katherine S. Mangan, "CD-ROM Dissertations: Universities Consider Whether New Format is Appropriate Way to Present Research" (1996) (Chronicle of Higher Education)

Marlene Manoff (MIT Libraries), "Cyberhope or Cyberhype? Computers and Scholarly Research" (1997)

Media Ecology (online "journal of intersections. We are about culture, communication and technology")

David S. Miall (U. Alberta), "Representing and Interpreting Literature by Computer" (1995)

MIT Media Lab

New Horizons in Scholarly Communication (large, detailed guide that "highlights trends affecting the process of creating, disseminating, retrieving, and using information for instruction and research at the university level") (Librarians Assoc. of U. California System)

New Media Literacies: Redefinitions of Literacy and Technology Through Graduate Student Teaching (Darren Cambridge, U. Texas, Austin)

New Word Order: Web Design for Smart People (commercial Web-design firm specializing in creating Web pages for academic individuals, programs, and institutions; founded by Kali Tal, who "combines a Ph.D. in American Studies . . . with six years of experience in humanities computing)

James J. O'Donnell (U. Penn) "The Virtual Library: An Idea Whose Time Has Passed"

Mark Olsen (U. Chicago), "Signs, Symbols, and Discourses: A New Direction for Computer-Aided Literature Studies"

Online Magazine (for information professionals; "provides articles, product reviews, case studies, evaluation, and informed opinion about selecting, using, and managing electronic information products, plus industry and professional information about online database systems, CD-ROM, and the Internet") (Online Inc.)

Overview of Online Publication (excellent bibliography with links) (Willard McCarty)

Palimpsest (Mac application for developing large-scale e-text knowledge bases) (Western Civilization) | Electronic Texts in Palimpsest Format

Ocean of the Streams of Story: Virtual Worlds at U. Virginia (Dan Ancona / IATH, U. Virginia)

Paperless Papers (essays on computers & writing)

Papers of the Epistemology and Learning Group (MIT Media Lab)

Pamela Pavliscak, Seamus Ross, and Charles Henry, "Information Technology in Humanities Scholarship: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges—The United States Focus" (1997) (American Council of Learned Societies)

Presenters University: The Art of Presentation (guide to the art of multimedia presentations; includes articles on writing and giving presentations, presentation technology, technical considerations in adapting a presentation to a particular room configuration, etc.) (Proxima, Inc.)

The Study Place ("long-term project . . . to prototype and develop online academic resources and navigational interfaces in support of academic scholarship by combining traditional elements of scholarly research with new communication and presentation possibilities enabled by networked for Learning Technologies, Columbia U.)

SuperJournal Home Page (major U.K.-based collaboration between publishers, universities, and libraries "to identify the factors that make electronic journals successful and to develop successful models for network publishing. The project will develop a wide range of multimedia journals in the sciences and social sciences, make them available to participating user communities, and perform detailed research on the factors that influence success")

Survey on U. California Faculty Use of Technology as a Tool in Instruction, 1995

Teaching Literature With Computers: A Refereed Electronic Publication (full-text online journal) (College of Liberal Arts, Dakota State U.)

Technology: Cognition, Computers, and the Internet: Online Resources (Wendy Gale Robinson, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill/Duke U.)

Visible Language Workshop (MIT Media Lab)

Web Publishing Paradigms (Tim Guay, Simon Fraser U.) (hypertext essay on the competing paradigms of the information universe, including the print, multimedia, hypertext, "docuverse," and interactive paradigms)

Margaret Williams (U. Toronto) "The Physical Book Online"

W.R.I.T.E. Conference (Writers' Retreat on Interactive Technology and Equipment)

Writer(y) Page (resources for computers & writing)


Obras teóricas sobre nuevas tecnologías

Review of Sven Birkerts's The Gutenberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in the Electronic Age (1995) Dean Blobaum (U. Chicago Press)

"What Happens to Writing When Texts in 'A World on Paper' Are Replaced by Messages in 'Virtual Space'?" Finn Bostad (Norwegian U. of Science & Technology)

"The Fate of Rhetoric in an Electronic Age" (1997) (Enculturation) Collin Gifford Brooke (U. Texas, Arlington)

"Dissimulations: Illusions of Interactivity" ("This discussion is an attempt to speculate on the collision between a dominant cultural form - narrative, and the technology of interactivity") Andy Cameron, (Hypermedia Research Centre)

"The Co-Evolution of Voice and Machine from Typewriter to Hypertext" (Freebase) Sean Cubitt (Liverpool John Moores U., UK)

"Skipping, Jumping, Twisting and Untwisting: Reading the Oldest and Newest of Writing Styles" (1997) (Enculturation) Cass Dalglish (Augsburg C., Minneapolis)

"Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs" Mark Dery

The History of the/my Wor(l)d (Granary Books) Johanna Drucker (Columbia U.)

"Offset Printing as a Creative Medium" Johanna Drucker (Columbia U.)

Lines for a Virtual T/y/o/pography (in-progress hypertext and VRML dissertation being written "real-time" on the net; concerns the work of textuality theorist/artist Johanna Drucker) Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (U. Kentucky)

"The Fate of the Notion of Canon in the Electronic Age" Robert M. Fowler (Baldwin-Wallace C., Ohio)

"Secondary Orality in the Electronic Age" Robert M. Fowler (Baldwin-Wallace C., Ohio)